Seeing AI app

November 11, 2017

The following is from Lauren Tappan:

As a low-vision user of Assistive Technology I am always looking for new solutions.

I was recently given a stack of written material to read after seeing my Doctor.

I usually just give up reading all of this information but this time, I was able to use

The Seeing AI app on my new cell phone.  The seeing AI app read all of this material

To me quickly and easily.  I was able to go through the material almost like a

Sighted reader.

What a gift!

I highly recommend that you look at the seeing ai app on an Apple Cell phone.

You can download this as a free ap and it could change things for you too.

Lauren Tappan

Stem cells used to fight Macular Degeneration

November 7, 2017

The following is from Lauren Tappan:

UCSB scientists near cure for blinding eye disease.
Once thought impossible, a cure for a blinding eye disease is in the works at UC Santa Barbara.

Researchers are in a phase one clinical trial with a procedure that would improve or cure the vision for those suffering from Macular Degeneration. The blinding eye disease is the leading cause of blindness in older Americans and impacts the sight of 20 million people worldwide.

It’s a sophisticated procedure that places stem cells in the back of the eye to repair damaged areas.

Those cells would last for the patients lifetime and would be implanted in a one-time procedure.

Getting this treatment to the most people could still be years away but the work being done at UCSB is groundbreaking in the world of vision restoration.

“In five years my hope is that we’ll be ready to get this approved and out to patients to help people who currently don’t have a therapy to use,” Professor Clegg of UC Santa Barbara said.

For more info:

SuperVision + magnifier App

November 3, 2017

SuperVision+ is the only magnifier (magnifying glass) app on the market that offers a supreme live image stabilization capability. Highly magnified images are usually shaking. It is a problem especially for old people. No more image shaking with SuperVision+ magnifier (magnifying glass).

Highlighted in Technology News for People Who Are Blind or Visually Impaired published by the American Foundation for the Blind.

From reading small print at near distance to seeing signs at far distance, SuperVision+ magnifier (magnifying glass) is your go-to app for seeing better and clearer.

Place your phone camera close to small objects, the app can also be used as a microscope. You can see something small that even normally sighted people can’t see.

– Easy to activate stabilization. Just press the screen and hold.
– Option to only stabilize vertically, allowing horizontal reading movement.
– Large and highly visible buttons.
– Freeze images at high resolution for seeing details.
– Easy to use either with one hand or two hands.
– Landscape mode
– Flash light support.
– Save images to gallery.
– Share images to social network.
– No advertisement.

for more info:

Keyword searching in physical world

November 3, 2017

Super Vision … A vision assistive app for keyword searching in physical world as Google search does in digital world.

A smart magnifying glass!

You use Google search in digital world.
Now you can use SuperVision keyword search in the physical world.
Point your camera to documents, product labels, bank statements, or restaurant menus. Speak your keywords, the app will locate the areas of interest for you. Then you may zoom in to read details.
The app can tolerate typo in your keywords and errors in OCR results.

For more info: